Oi Polloi

Through the Magpie Eye: Old Cinemas of Manchester

Published: Wed Aug 19 2015

Without coming across like one of those whinging, ‘old stuff was better’ bores, old cinemas did look loads better than modern cinemas.

They may not have had eight massive screens and an on-site Nando’s, but the signs were big, the lights were bright and they were made to last.

They also employed old women to wander around the aisles flogging ice-creams in the intermission.

Whilst most of these old time cinemas have now been flattened or turned into swanky bars, thanks to these photos from Manchester Metropolitan University’s Flickr page, you can once again be whisked away into a simpler time — a time when cinemas had weird names and showed high-quality epics like Doctor Zhivago and Fritz the Cat… 

See loads more interesting stuff on the MMU Flickr page.