Oi Polloi

Win £1000 to Spend at Oi Polloi

Published: Thu Feb 28 2013

Hot on the tail of last week’s competition, we’re giving you the chance to win £1000 to spend at Oi Polloi with two competitions. In our first competition to win £500 all you’ve got to do is take a picture of something in our 63 Thomas Street shop and then post it up on either Instagram or Twitter. It could be a photo of you trying on some new stuff, what you’ve just bought, what you want to buy or whatever else you think is worth taking a picture of. Instagram users tag oipolloi_of_cottonopolis and #63ThomasStreet. Twitter users tag oipolloi and #63ThomasStreet. The competition ends on Thursday 28th March so there’s no excuse for not getting yourself round for this. Best photo wins the prize.

And if you really can’t make it to Manchester, then we’re also running a completely separate competition on the social media mecca known as Facebook. Just make sure you ‘like’ our page, then click the handy tab and follow the simple instructions. Nothing more difficult than that and you could win yourself £500 quid to spend. This competition also ends on Thursday 28th March, and in case you’re wondering, yes — you could theoretically win both. Enter here.

The Facebook competetion doesn’t work on phones, so hold those horses until you can fire up a real computer.