Oi Polloi

Pica~Post No.2 AW-MMXI

Published: Tue Aug 16 2011

Here it is: ‘Pica~Post No.2’ or, to give it it’s full, slightly overblown title, ‘Pica~Post No.2 AW MMXI Ralph’s Motors and Seaside Selvedge’.

Click on the image above to view it in all it’s full-screen, hi-def noughts & ones glory (accept for the Seaside Selvedge bit – that’s a paper & ink exclusive).

As we’re sure you’ll agree, once you’ve had a peak, there’s some belting clobber on offer this autumn / winter. Note — when we say “autumn / winter” we actually mean “right now”, weird eh? Point is — don’t be shy if you want first sniff. Pica~Post also features waffle about Ralph’s Motors and Seaside Selvedge, Rave Riggers and Swamp Wizards… what more could you possibly want?

It’s all above in full-screen, hi-def noughts & ones (accept for the Seaside Selvedge bit – that’s a paper & ink exclusive). We’d recommend getting a real copy, just pop into the shop and ask for one… or if your further afield – copies are available here for just 2p + postage & packaging.

Let us know what you think… Answers on a postcard to the usual addresses — facebook.com/oipolloi or twitter.com/oipolloi.