Oi Polloi

Patrick and his pigeons - shot by Joe Sharpe

Published: Tue Aug 02 2011

Pigeon racing — a sport that’s perhaps declined in popularity of late. The thought of ‘Racing Homers’ razzing about the night sky seems a little out-dated in the age of Twitter, iPhones and the ‘WorldWiseWeb’. While this may be the case, there is still groups of hardcore racers keeping the vibe alive. Gents like Mr. Patrick McGrory certainly haven’t lost the love for a loft full of pigeons. Even if they do crap on his double glazing from time to time. The little nause-pots.

These shots of Patrick and his pigeons are the work of Oi Polloi’s very own Joe Sharpe, who set out to document “institutions past and cultures forgotten”.

If you’d like to know more about the project you can get hold of Joe using the contacts below… either that or send a pigeon to 63 Thomas St. eatingmygreens.blogspot.com | [email protected]