Oi Polloi

Free 50 Quid Friday No.1

Published: Fri Nov 12 2010

New OiPolloi.com feature – every Friday we’ll be giving you all the chance to win a £50 Oi Polloi gift voucher to be spent either online or in the shop…

This week all you have to do to enter is look and at the postcard above and answer the following question:

What did Norm say next?

Bonus points if you can tell us who Norman is in real life.

Comp finishes 3pm GMT Monday 15th November

ALL answers on this Facebook post

If your not on Facebook – you should be, it’s great for keeping bang up to date on Oi Polloi product drops… and generally lurking about being nosey. It’s categorically NOT for looking at pictures of ex-girlfriends (or boyfriends) though. That could get you in trouble mate. Trust us.