Oi Polloi


Published: Fri Sep 06 2013

The bringer of pies

Although you’d been looking forward to moving to the village, your excitement was tinged with a slight nervousness. Would you and your wife actually make any friends, or would you be cast out from all social gatherings due to your modern, dangerous city ways? You needn’t have worried — only a day into your new life amongst the country air, you were greeted by a friendly face. Not only was he a friendly face, but he’d brought a pie, a pie he’d baked using the apples that had fallen in the nearby orchard. In the following months the bringer of pies was a regular face within your humble abode, and not only did he continue to bring pies, but he also taught you the finer points of wickerwork. Alright, your wife’s now moved in with him, but when he wears cords like that, who can blame her?