Oi Polloi


Published: Fri Apr 05 2013

In Sunny Salford Pt.1

Going on a weekend away is the adult version of a school trip (hopefully no one wets themselves on the coach though). And just like a school trip you’ve got to dress accordingly. Those blacked-out high-top Matrix mosh boots you got from Affleck’s may turn a few heads, but for a few days wandering around like a lost lamb, comfort is paramount. With Birkenstocks that definitely sit in the ‘appropriate footwear’ category, and a jacket that even his parents would describe as ‘sensible’, our man is more than kitted out for a weekend soaking up the sights, sounds and scents of sunny Salford. What’s in the bag? Well we’re glad you asked — that’s tomorrows outfit, which as luck would have it you can view right here.