Oi Polloi


Published: Fri May 25 2012

Mr Brown is… The Expat

After a few too many episodes of ‘A Place in the Sun’, this true-Brit thought it was high time he packed in the 9-5, dropped off the cat with his sister, dusted off the Ray-Bans and headed out to sunny Spain. Yeah, there may have been doubters — “Finding a job in Spain’s current economic climate can be fraught with pitfalls,” or, “Certainly the Spanish are strong English speakers but the language barrier will still be a hurdle,” they’d say, but to be honest he’s getting along just fine. Thanks to his cocky patter and crisp Gazelles he was quickly given a job at the 100% authentic Manchester Bar, and the language barrier? No problem, just talk louder, slower and move your arms about loads. He’s even picking up the lingo. “Dos Stellas por favor?”