Oi Polloi


Published: Wed Aug 10 2011

Mr Brown as... Doc 5-A-Day

A peach of an outfit from the coolest fruit and veg seller this side of Bury Market. All that’s missing – thankfully – is a pair of fingerless gloves, though he might be craftily hiding them in his pockets, along with his change. With that heavyweight Reigning Champ hoodie, he’s well protected from the chilling wind, but just to make sure, he’s wearing one of the best gilets a man can get, from Woolrich. The jeans are by Lee (turnips, sorry turnups optional) and his shoes are the top value Sperry Chukkas in swede, sorry suede.

Note – the henley is the RRL Rib Henley, only available instore. Ring: +44 (0)161 831 7870